Energizing minds. Inspiring hearts. Awakening souls.

 “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost.”

~Martha Graham

The Energy Lab

A Four-Week Energy Exploration

Class Fee: $177


Class limited to 8 participants

Location and details available upon registration

Class Dates: Wednesday, May 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th

Class Time: 7 pm PT

Our lives are made up of energy. We fuel our homes, our cars, our communities.

What about ourselves?

This class will bring you into the lab – your own energy lab to discover and explore the types of subtle energy that run through our daily lives. We are often unconscious of the energetic world going on around us and within us. This is a course that will enable you to tap into this energy for mind, body and soul-fuel.

Week One: Foundational Energy- Gravity, Grounding and Earth Energy

Week Two: Personal Life Force Energy

Week Three: Archetypal Energy – Male/Female Energy

Week Four: Universal Energy – Kundalini Energy

What You Get

Class fee includes a journal, a workbook with weekly “experiments”, recommended books and resources and tons of hands-on experiential learning.  Light refreshments served at each class.

  • Learn and explore a basic appreciation and awareness of your intuitive perception and senses.
  • Appreciate the subtle qualities of energy as fuel and incorporate these dynamic techniques into the 24/7 for health, wellness, balance and daily inspiration.
  • Develop your own energy vocabulary and working knowledge of guided meditation techniques.
  • Exercise your intuitive muscles and increase your sensory awareness.
  • A great class for coaches, teachers and professionals for personal growth and professional development.
  • A fun and enlightening way to expand and expend your energy and grow your energetic potential.
The  content in this course is not intended to be used in place of a doctor’s advice.  Rather, intuitive energy coaching increases self-awareness for personal health and wellness practices. 
Think of it as good energy hygiene for mind, body and soul.