The Intuitive Gym 2 is a four-week course to exercise your intuition in a whole new way.
Classes will meet via tele-conference at 9 AM PT on:
Saturday, November 18th
(Skip the Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend)
Saturday, December 2nd
Saturday, December 9th
Saturday, December 16th
Classes meet for 90 minutes. All classes will be recorded, so you’re covered if you can’t make class!
Here’s the syllabus!
Class #1 Alternate Energy Sources: Learn to Discern
We’ll be talking about earth energy, cosmic energy, and male/female energy. You will learn how to detect the differences and use for specific purposes.
Class #2 Circle-Up: Chakra Talk
Learn how to read chakras, one of your greatest untapped internal resources!
Class #3 Intuitive Hygiene/Energy Medicine
How to protect, clean and balance your own energy- as well as scan the body for signs of blockage which leads to dis-ease.
Class #4 Meet Your Spirit Guides
We’ll take you on a guided meditation to meet your spirit guide!
Meet Your Instructors
Keisha Gallegos is a Certified Master Life Coach, Reiki Master and mojo whisperer. She is an energy healer, medium, intuitive consultant, and author of The Little Book of Big Mojo.
As soon as I really started listening to my intuition, my dreams became a reality.
~Keisha Gallegos
Mary Welty-Dapkus is professional intuitive and certified life coach and the founder of the FresIntuition Women’s Circles. She is the owner of Fresh Intuition, a personal, professional and leadership coaching and consulting practice. Mary helps clients, both men and women in transition to “gain clarity and lose wait” — freeing them to take authentic and inspired action in their lives, their life’s work, in their communities and in the world.
Mary holds the following certifications:
-A masters (MIM) in Intuition Medicine from the Academy of Intuition Medicine®
-A certified Martha Beck (MBI) Life Coach
-A Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Certified Practitioner and a Certified Six Seconds EQ Assessor.
Mary holds a BA in Education and Psychology from Santa Clara University.
For over 20 years, I had a recurring dream that I was driving blind. After a powerful awakening in 2006, I was reconnected with my inner seer. I haven’t had that dream again. ~Mary Welty-Dapkus
As a member of the Intuitive Gym 2 program, you will have the advantage of scheduling a personal 60-minute intuitive reading with Mary and Keisha for $197 (valued at $350).
*It is NOT required that you have attended the first Intuitive Gym program to register for The Intuitive Gym 2, so tell a friend!