Energizing minds. Inspiring hearts. Awakening souls.

Sense and Synchronicity: Part IV – Talking Sense




Tracking Intuition Tip #4

Listen When You Speak: What You Say Makes A Whole Lot Of Sense

Here’s the truth. As a general rule, when we talk, we think it is so other people can hear us. Talking is often not just an automatic but an autonomic response. What I mean by that is there is often an involuntary and un-examined awareness when we speak.  In light of tracking intuition, it isn’t just the phrase, “think before you speak” that is important, though in most situations it is not only invaluable, it is well, it’s just kind. The important phrase to remember when tracking intuition is “think while you speak.”

I know, I know, all that RESEARCH on multi-tasking has you questioning your ability to do two things at once! I have the absolute (and ab-soul-ute) confidence you will master this new art of actually listening while you speak. You will find out that what you say makes a lot of sense. And on a side note, what you are moved to say is generally very wise and clever, even if that wasn’t your intention!

As I have tracked intuition the last several years with myself, with family and friends as well as clients, I have noticed we give ourselves  so many rich and vital clues in what we say, and we often aren’t paying any attention to it. We are in a Tower of Babble of sorts, all that unexamined talking and it is time to start listening – really listening.  Here are several very simple examples of how the very words and phrases we say comes from a deep place of wisdom and we are often missing out on the word-play because we are not listening to ourselves when we speak.  I know, I know, the doing two things at once can be tricky, but I have faith that you can do this. You know why? Because it is so important to hear yourself clearly because you make a lot of sense(s.)

Here are some little examples of the connections we make:

  • On an episode of Chopped, one of the contestants was running to use something called the blast chiller and one of the judges autonomic response was to say “Cool.”
  • My girlfriend was describing how her son almost passed out in church one day and started the story by saying, “Holy smoke, I thought he was going to faint right there.”  Turns out that coupled with the heat there was incense in church that day, but she was completely unaware of her ‘holy smoke’ comment. It was indeed ‘holy smoke!’
  • The phrase ‘no pun intended’ sums up this experience so completely. I like to say that the pun is the soul’s favorite way to get our attention in a simple, direct way – what I call ‘the power of the pun.’

I have been tracking this for years. I have dubbed it the energy of language or word-play for short and it is a living, sentient expression of directional energy and an often unconscious one. Rather like the Cameron quote above,  you can indeed hear yourself clearly if you are willing to really listen to the energy conveyed in the words you speak. Another simple yet powerful way to begin to track your intuition in the 24/7.

Up next in the final part of our Sense and Synchronicity series:

Tracking Intuition Tip #5

…I will tell you next time!