Energizing minds. Inspiring hearts. Awakening souls.

Searching Through the Symbols

A 90-Minute Intuitive Exploratory Session

I meet people at the intersection of the mystical and the practical, guided by the richness of the symbolic world. I have a passion and expertise in interpreting them like puzzle pieces that come together to form the new, the now and the next.


If you are at a crossroads in your life or are curious about some desired change, this is an ideal intuitive consultation. Often, when facing uncertainty, the unknown, or the painfully slow transitions, the mind repeats the same, stale story over and over and over. It can be difficult to see with clarity and optimism, the road ahead.


This is an ideal time for this consultation.

The old adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words” is incredibly apt when together, we search through the symbols for new understanding, perspective and inspired actions that open up new pathways of thinking and possibilities.

It is also an incredibly fun and interesting way to bring a fresh, open, curious Seeker archetypal energy to your situation.


Session Details

– This session is a 90-minute consultation using either your own current exploration of a symbol, sign, dream or recent occurrence that you want to explore for more meaning and direction in your life. Or, you come to the session with a specific inquiry that is important and meaningful at this juncture in your life, and I will use one of my card modalities, The Tarot of the Spirit, The Wild Unknown Archetype Deck, Animal Exploration or Archetypes (to name a few) and “search through the symbols to unleash the clear, creative story to guide your life’s journey this year.

– The session will take place over Zoom or in-person options are available for local clients.

– The first 30 minutes, we will talk through what is going on at present in your life and what aspect/area you are seeking more clarity. This part of the conversation will yield clues and symbols that may be very relevant and inspirational. The middle 30 minutes, we will explore the symbol(s) and talk more about their relevance and meaning as a new story begins to unfold. The final 30 minutes will be spent exploring small actions to ‘set in motion’ and catalyze these new ideas!

– Once the session is scheduled, you will receive a Zoom link and a pre-session questionnaire for your review prior to the session.

Client Feedback about the impact of this session:

“I loved my Searching Through the Symbols session! It was just what I needed to get unstuck and gain clarity as I navigated a difficult transition. Mary gave me a simple, yet powerful insight that shifted my thinking. I still use that insight as an anchor, and when I am faltering it helps me get back on track. Since my session with Mary, I am now moving ahead with much more grace and surety. Highly recommend Mary as a brilliant coach and inspiring breath of fresh air.” – Sheryl L. Holistic Wellness Practitioner


“I participated in the Searching Through the Symbols session with Mary, and it was extremely enlightening. I came to the session with some questions, but the way our conversation flowed took its own path. Suddenly the symbols and signs were everywhere! This session helped restore my confidence in moving forward. At the time, change and uncertainty prevented me from letting go of the past. If you are looking for a sign to book a session, consider this is it. Mary’s guidance and empathy sticks. Nothing can compare to feeling seen, heard and ultimately understood. The inspiration that blossomed after the session is one I hope everyone gets the chance to experience. I highly recommend this session to anyone interested in uncovering the hidden intelligence within. – Isabella W. (You can read the full testimonial here.)


Book Your Searching Through the Symbols Session Today


(Spring 2024)
Sale Ends June 30th, 2024.
Session may be booked in July or August!


Please feel free to contact me prior to purchasing the session if you have more questions.

Please purchase mindfully as refunds available only if we are unable to schedule a session time.