Energizing minds. Inspiring hearts. Awakening souls.

Intuitive Readings

When you need a fresh pair of eyes.

“My Fresh Eyes session with Mary was so fun and enlightening! Mary is warm and kind and full of love. I felt totally safe working with her.  Mary’s intuition matched many of the whispers I’ve heard from my heart!  It was so affirming for me!  And she saw more for me and the images and helpful words she gave, helped me relax into what’s next instead of the pushing I normally do to myself.  This was the biggest shift for me, relaxing into what’s next.  Things have flowed so nicely since my session with her. I recommend working with Mary whole-heartedly!  Her poetic charm and loveliness are wonderful!.”

~ Katie McClain


I am a master at seeing connections and patterns. An intuitive reading session is an opportunity to suspend disbelief and gather information and insights from all the potential sources in your life and then bring those to the surface. It gives a fresh perspective and often a big picture approach to where you are stuck. You are then able to take this new information in and digest it and see where this nourishment takes you in the fresh approach to moving forward in whatever area in your life you are seeking direction and insight.

If you’re facing a big decision or moving through change, professional intuitive guidance can give you a helpful perspective.

What to Expect

You will experience surprising insight plus a strong sense of direction and alignment. Clients report significant ah ha’s and feel ready to move forward. This process is collaborative and focused on you.

“When You Need a Fresh Pair of Eyes”

60 Minute Session
