I love this title. It has become the gold standard in first time blog posts and today is the day! The official launch of my website and blog.
It is hard to believe that this day has arrived. With any long term project, especially one with a long birthing process, that last little bit can take the longest. It has indeed been a journey of a thousand miles and today the wait is over.
The truth is, I had to see myself in a whole new way to have this website. And I have discovered that seeing ourselves in a fresh and clear way happens each and every day. Hmmm, rather like this one little button that I have learned to press as I have loaded copy on these pages. It’s called – update.
I can see many of you nodding your heads with that exasperated look of knowing on your little face. Because, if you have just loaded a lot of new content onto a page and you don’t press that little blue button, (in my world now it is a little blue button) that says UPDATE, you will lose all the new information that you just put on the page.
And that, THAT is the very experience that happens to each of us every single moment of every single day. We fail to press the update button.
Well, not today. Today I am pressing an almost year long update button to see myself clearly; to recognize growth and change in myself and to cut away the losses and the gains. Yes, the gains. They both hold me back. What I have experienced today, fresh, wisely, authentically is what gets updated. That is what is fresh on the page.
So, welcome to Fresh Intuition. The new home to my intuitive coaching and consulting practice. I have so many delicious and nutritious ways to connect, from the Daily Dose, my Monday – Friday offering of vitamin C for your soul. The poster here on the page is one of many daily offerings. Visit with me on the Work With Mary page and learn more about my coaching and intuitive consultations, read about me, my work and the generous heart-felt raves from some of my clients or hop on over to What’s Fresh which will feature a variety of events, classes and offerings in the community.
There have been so many who have walked beside me this last year as I have created this home on the internet highway for you to stop and set a spell. Here are a few by name and deep appreciation to the countless others who have lent an eye, ear, shoulder and other various body parts in support. You know who you are.
By name, I want to acknowledge Laurie Foley, who saw me so clearly from the beginning of our work together and ‘tapped the sap’ outta me. I would indeed not have imagined what was possible if Laurie hadn’t lent me her view of me for a time and invited me to step through that wee door that opened to a brave new world. Laurie, I am forever grateful. To Tzaddi Gordon at ThriveWire, the designer and my collaborative partner for these past several months. Brava! It was a long and winding road to get here, and you hung in there with me. Your patience, your calm and clear insights, your willingness to go back to the creative drawing board and your enormous talent and creative gifts, I say a heartfelt thank you. Melanie Gill, thank you for your way with words, your turn of a phrase, your pulling together all the words, and you know I have a million of them, and crafting a word-ship that held water and will make this long journey and Maryna Smuts for your right-arm and your left the last few weeks with all the technical bells and whistles, calendars and carts, to streamline the process for my clients, those who are already here and those to come.
And finally, to my friends and family, Kate, Lisa, Colleen, Rebekkah, Keisha and to my family, my dear Drew, Max and Emma for reviewing every new design, each edit, unending pages of copy and at times unanswerable questions as I worked my way through the months of development and all the emotions that went with it, I simply say “I love you…truly, madly, deeply.”
A special tribute to my mother, Jeannie O’Craighan, who has dreamed of this day with me. She has been my champion and my muse and has read, and cheered and laughed and cried with me as I have shown up to do this work in the world. Thank you Mumma for shining your light on me each and everyday. She has her own journey now as she makes her way after a stroke at the end of December 2012. We are shining the light back on you. I love you so very, very much.
And bless you all, because now that the website is up, the book is next!
Again, welcome to Fresh Intuition. I hope you will stay a while in this clean, well-lighted place to see yourself. To be yourself.