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You are ready to begin this journey.
On my feet. Cheering Wildly.
Just a few more steps and you will be ready, set, GO for moving through those obstacles to see a new YOU! If you are a regular client, sign up here for your coaching session.
IF you are a first time client, I am so glad you are here. Your first step is to click here for my informed consent and disclosure statement. Please review, sign and return by email or in-person at your first session. You then sign-up here for your first 90 minute coaching session. If for any reason, there are not appointment times available, please connect with your questions.
Whether we have worked and played together before, or we are meeting for the first time, thank you for entrusting me as the coach and guide to journey into the best, brightest and most beautiful parts of youself. It is an honor.
Let’s begin.