Energizing minds. Inspiring hearts. Awakening souls.

What can I expect from an intuitive coaching session with Mary?

This process is collaborative and focused on YOU. You will experience surprising insight plus a strong sense of direction and alignment. Clients report significant ah ha’s and feel ready to move forward after a coaching session.

I am a master at seeing connections and patterns. In addition to being a natural intuitive, I hold a master certification from the Academy of Intuition Medicine and am also a certified Martha Beck Life Coach. I am also a certified EQ (Emotional Intelligence) Assessor with Six Seconds and incorporate emotional intelligence coaching and assessments into my work with clients.

An intuitive coaching session with me is an opportunity to gather information and insights from all the potential sources in your life and then bring those to the surface. It gives a fresh perspective and often a big picture approach to where you are stuck. After our session, you are then able to take in this new information, digest it, and experience a fresh insight thus moving you forward where you once were stuck.

If you’re facing a big decision or moving through change and transition, professional intuitive coaching can give you a helpful perspective.

If you are interested in 1:1 coaching with me, please contact me here to schedule a 30+ minute complimentary initial coaching consultation.